Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Progress Report

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Life has just been so crazy lately. I haven't really made much progress yet. The good news is that I'm down those couple of pounds that I gained that first week. I'm hoping that things will calm down soon. This week is a really stressful week. It is all for the good, since it all means that I get to bring my baby boy home, but I am just so overwhelmed right now. I am doing a little better with my eating, so hopefully I'll start seeing the scale go down more.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Progress Report: Week 1

Okay, well it's actually been more than a week. I'm just a little slow. Not much to report except that I'm actually up a couple of pounds. Grrr. Stupid Easter candy! Although the good news is that I'm wearing my pre-pregnancy pants now. Well, the ones I told you about in a previous post. Hopefully I'll do better next week. It's just so hard right now. Not that weight loss is ever easy, it's just so hard to actually focus on it right now.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


I have a huge sweet tooth. I'm always craving something sweet. All through last weekend I was wanting to make cookies, and on Monday I caved. I made oatmeal cookies. Those are healthy....right? And now they are gone, I just finished them today...well Melina helped. Guess what I had last night...strawberries. I love strawberries! Strawberries are healthy...until you dip them in chocolate. Yep that's what I did last night. I had some left over chocolate chips and melted them. Strawberries dipped in chocolate...mm, it was soooo good. Ugh, I need stop giving in to temptation. It doesn't help that Easter is coming up this weekend and there will be lots of candy. I'm going to really try and be good and not eat too much. Um yeah, we'll see how that goes. Unfortunately, it is really hard to resist temptation when you lack motivation. That's what stress does to me....I'll get to that in another post.