Saturday, March 27, 2010

My Story

I've struggled with my weight pretty much my whole life. Well at least since puberty. I was never really that big, but never a skinny mini either. I thought I was heavy in High School, but of course now I wish I could be that small again. I was probably at my smallest (as an adult) just before college or just before I got married (I'm not sure which). But then I got married and had a big life style change (and started taking a crappy birth control pill) and quickly put on about 25 lbs. I haven't been able to lose that weight since and have even put on a little more.

A couple of summers ago, I started losing weight. But then I lost my motivation because we decided to try for another baby and then the holidays hit and I put back on the weight. Then I got pregnant, then I miscarried and turned to food for comfort, then I got pregnant again. So yeah, not exactly the best circumstances for weight loss. So now here I am after giving birth to my second child and I can finally start trying to lose weight again. Wish me luck!

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