Friday, March 26, 2010

Welcome to my Weight Loss Blog

I have decided to start a blog to chronicle my weight loss. Why? Because I need a place to report to and a place where I can express my thoughts, frustrations, triumphs, etc. I need a place where I can be real and completely honest. I'm going to tell it like it is. It's my blog and I can write if I want if you don't like it, then don't read it. The reality is that I AM FAT! People will say that I'm not (just to make me feel better). But I am. I really am. I have a lot to lose--over 50 lbs. to reach my goal weight. As I get closer, I may find that my goal weight is unrealistic and may have to change it a bit, but for now I think it is reasonable. I'm not going to say what my current weight is, at least not yet, because well...I'm just way too embarrassed. Unfortunately I can't go gun ho with the weight loss yet (well technically I can, but...) because I just have so much going on right now. I just can't completely focus on it. But I can at least do better than I have been and I need to stop making excuses for my bad eating habits. So now is the time to start my weight loss journey.

Oh, and just in case you were wondering, Ally is a nickname I've been given at work and Fat Ally sounds better than Fat Alicia.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward of hearing your ups and downs... hopefully more ups! Good luck!
