Monday, March 29, 2010

6 weeks

I am 6 weeks postpartum today. Today is my start day. My weight today is my start weight. I am about 5-6 lbs. from my pre-pregnancy weight. Which would be a good thing, except I was fat before I got pregnant. So I have a long way to go.

A few weeks ago, Russ convinced me to buy a cheap pair of pants, just so I wouldn't have to wear maternity pants anymore. Unfortunately, I'm still wearing maternity shirts. Although, my maternity shirts seem to have shrunk since my first pregnancy. Um right....that's it;) The good news is that I can almost wear my pre-pregnancy pants. They are a little tight, but I can at least button them up. Well...they are sort of my pre-pregnancy pants. They're the pants I bought for my birthday last year when I first found out I was pregnant. I had bought a pair of pants 1 size up so that I could wear them longer into the pregnancy. So I'm at least moving in the right direction.

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