Friday, June 4, 2010

An apology

I owe you an apology (if anybody is even reading this). I haven't been posting much. My weight loss efforts have not been going the way I intended them to go. I'm getting close to getting serious. I desperately want to lose weight, but as any body that has truly been in my position will tell's not going to happen unless you can find that motivation. I haven't reached that point yet. However, I am happy to report that the scale is finally moving down again. I managed to lose about 5 lbs., but then put back on a few. Well now I have lost those few lbs. again. Having Carson home has helped. We're not eating out as much and I'm not scarfing down granola bars in the car on the way to and from the hospital anymore. I'm still not doing all that great with eating healthy, but I'm definitely doing better. It's a work in progress. I also want to get back to exercising, but finding the time is very difficult with a high needs baby. I know, I know...I'm full of excuses. Anyway, I'm going to try and be better about posting more often.

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