Thursday, June 17, 2010


I need some accountability right now. Maybe then I will finally get my butt in gear. I have been so bad. I was feeling down and craving some cookies so what did I do? I made cookies! I figured it was my birthday, so I gave in. And then Russ brought home some roses and a big thing of chocolate raisins (isn't he sweet?). Well, the chocolate raisins are gone now. How bad it that? I know, pretty bad. I also had a "birthday shake." I vowed to do good this week, but it's just not happening. I start out the day doing good, but then I cave and eat something bad. Like today--I had already had my healthy lunch and then Melina wanted Mac and Cheese for lunch. I made some with the intention of not having any, but then of course I did. At least I didn't have as much as I usually do. I also have this problem where I get the craving for something like cookies and I CANNOT get the thought out of my mind. I usually cave and end up making something. I'm going to try really hard not to do that this time. I will make myself report back on that, so hopefully knowing that I have to report will make me not do it. We'll see. Anyway, hopefully I will have a positive post soon. I am also going to try and get some before pics taken. Maybe this weekend when I'm actually wearing makeup and have my hair done.

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